Some fabulous pieces of art are helping to add to the festive atmosphere around the school!

The pupils in Mrs Heelan’s classroom have created some excellent cribs at home and this week the other pupils in the school got an opportunity to have a look at them. It was clear that a huge effort went into each crib at home!
The members of local Men’s Shed also called in to view the work.
Congratulations to our prize winner in the Christmas Annual competition!
The Infants do an Absorption Experiment.
Our Classroom Supermarket – Junior and Senior Infants
A forest of Christmas Trees!
Learning through play at the Doctor’s Surgery!
Santa comes to school!
Santa took a break from his very busy schedule in the North Pole to come and meet the pupils of Herbertstown NS.
Thank you to everyone who supported our pupils who were carol singing in the Crescent Shopping Centre on Friday last. The children were excellent throughout and were great ambassadors for the school.
Well done to all our pupils who put on fantastic shows, both at Monday’s matinee performance and on Tuesday evening. There were memorable performances throughout and great credit is due to the children for all their hard work in the last few weeks.
Well done to Mrs. Murphy, Ms. O’Dwyer and Ms. Davis who produced the shows and a big thank you to the Parents’ Association for their help over the two days. Thanks also to everyone who attended, provided prizes for the raffle and helped with costumes and sets.
3rd and 4th class have been learning about Team Hope’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal and the children it benefits. We set ourselves the target of filling two shoeboxes as a class – one for a girl and one for a boy our own age. Anyone who could brought in an item or two for the boxes and we were delighted to find out that we had brought in enough toys, clothes, stationery, games and toiletries to fill 8 boxes! These shoeboxes will be winging their way to children in need in Africa and Eastern Europe in the coming weeks thanks to the generosity of our class.